Visualisations of The City of Leicester College New Building

11 05 2010

We have received some 3D visualisations of the current plans for The City of Leicester College from Miller Consortium (see the post “Latest Floor Plans – circulated for discussion”).

These begin to give a much clearer vision of the character of the proposed new build.

Vehicular Approach to the new building

Below are some more views – click on the thumbnails to get a better look of the current design for TCOLC!

Plaza Approach


Foyer Section

Dining Terrace

Vehicular Approach

Interior Views


Ariel View

Latest Floor Plans – circulated for discussion

6 05 2010

After some initial feedback from our staff, Miller have produced a first draft of the proposed new school building.

The decision was made to place the new school at the “Wyvern” end of the school plot.  This decision along with the need to build around existing structures has dictated the shape of the new build – a capital T with 3 additional wings placed diagonally from the “down stroke”, to catch the best of the sun.  The proposed structure has rooming arranged over 3 floors, although 1 floor is “lower ground” and is much smaller than the other 2.

I have attached the architect’s draft floor plans.  These plans will be discussed next week in faculty meetings, and comments fed back to Miller.

Staff this week have also been asked to complete a “pre-occupancy” survey, to gauge their opinion of our current situation.  If the rest of the staff respond anything like mine, there will be many “poor” and “inadequate” responses!   Our present buildings are crumbling away and present many obstacles to good teaching and learning.  The sooner we start building the better!

TCOLC SK001 Rev A Lower Ground Floor Plan

TCOLC SK002 Rev A Upper Ground Floor Plan

TCOLC SK003 Rev A First Floor Plan