An iPad, an Apple TV and a Projector…

13 12 2012

I made this little video to show how you can use an Apple TV to mirror the screen of an iPad and how this could be useful in the classroom. Thanks to Tom Harbour for starring!

An iPad, an Apple TV and a Projector – some ideas for the digital Classroom

The iPad can be used as a presentation tool, using the camera to quickly make the slides, and the “Show me” App to annotate over the top. You can also use the camera function to turn the iPad into a mobile visualiser, to demonstrate close work or share exemplary students work with the rest of the class. Nice!

New Technology Plans for the New Build

13 12 2012

My role in the BSF Project at City of Leicester is now focused on the provision on New Technology in the new building. I am currently involved in a series of meetings with Northgate Managed Services, who will install and manage the ICT provision for the first 5 years.

I gave a presentation to our Colleges Leadership Team last week, outlining my current thinking on this. Below is one of the slides detailing provision for the standard classroom:

New Tech Presentation - Classroom Provision

You can see the full presentation here.

Not everything is decided yet – too many unanswered questions. However, the basic plan is taking shape, and I’m hopeful that the provision will suit staff and students pretty well. Its certainly a lot better than our current setup!