Thanks for the feedback! How about some comments?

20 09 2009

I have received lots of positive feedback about the blog, after announcing its existence to staff this week. Thanks for that! Hopefully there are enough posts up now for readers to get an idea of what the blog is about and how I’m hoping it can help the BSF process at our College.

One thing I would encourage everyone to make use of is the “Comments” feature of the blog. There is a comments link at the bottom of every post, and it can be used to ask questions, request more information or to give your own views. For instance, if you liked the idea of a learning plaza, as detailed in the last post, click on the comments and tell us what you liked about it and how you might use the space in your lessons.

Also, if there you have your own ideas about BSF you would like to share or to kickstart a discussion about, contact me for “contributor” privileges so you can add your own posts to the blog. The authoring software is very easy to use – it’s no more complicated than sending an email.

The opportunity to rebuild our school will not come along again in our lifetime, so let’s get involved now!