Leicester BSF Phase 2 Update

30 11 2009

Leicester City’s plans for  BSF phase 2 have now been presented to Government and will be discussed at Cabinet on 14th December 2009.   City officials are very hopeful that the plans will be passed.

This is good news for the City of Leicester College, as we are next in line to be rebuilt.   Once these plans are passed by Cabinet,   the College will have just 16 weeks to reach a Stage 1 Submission – detailing the project’s scope, elevations plan, outline proposals and cost estimates.

After what seems like an age waiting for BSF, things are set to start moving very fast indeed! (fingers crossed xx)




BSF Champions Group – Inaugral Meeting

12 06 2009

Each school in the local authority has appointed BSF Champions and these are due to meet for the first time on 30th June 2009.  The group consists of:-

Mike McPherson – Leicester LA

Phil Keeling – Ashfield
Kim Kent – Babington
Liz Logie – Beaumont Leys
Tony Tompkins – TCOLC
Claire Madigan – TCOLC
Nicola Anderson – Children’s Hospital School
Jo Davis – Crown Hills
Edward Mee – Hamilton
Freda Ward – Keyham Lodge
Jessica Hill – Moat
Francis Doherty- St Pauls
Virginia Ursell – Westgate

Hopefully by the end of the meeting, Claire and I will have a better idea about what we will be doing in the coming weeks and months!

Videos – sharing the experience

5 05 2009

I’m aiming to take short video clips from visits to other BSF schools and and upload them here  so you can share the experience.  If I come across any other interesting videos about BSF from youtube, teachers tv, or wherever, I’ll also share them here.
This one is from Wolverhampton – its their BSF “vision thing”.  Lots of whooshing and shiny equipment and engaged children.  Worth a watch!