BSF Champions head to Moscow

4 02 2010

The BSF Champions group is heading off in search of inspiration slightly further afield next week. The group is heading for Moscow as part of a British Council funded TIPD trip to look at inspirational building design in Russia’s Capital.

This is an interesting development as we originally approached the British Council to help fund a fact finding visit to Harlem,  New York.  They curiously redirected us from West to East, explaining that Moscow is apparently in the midsts of a massive school rebuilding programme, and they have assured us that there is lots to be seen there.

We have a very busy itinerary planned for  half term week, visiting the Ministry of Education, various schools and teacher training colleges.

I’m not really sure what to expect, as I have never visited Russia before, and probably much of what I think I know about the place is out of date.  I am optimistic though that it will be a useful and interesting trip!

Integrated ICT – Dream the dream

20 09 2009

This video is from Ramesys Education, who have been awarded contracts to manage ICT services for BSF schools in Manchester and a few of the London Boroughs.

It’s a vision of school day where the use of integrated ICT enriches and enables students to learn effectively. We follow 2 students as they go about their day, making use of a variety of gadgets and systems and generally having a very relaxed and jolly time.

What I like about it most is not so much the technology itself, but the reliability of all the components. They all seem to work flawlessly and are totally hassle free.  Sasha doesnt once appear to want to bash her laptop repeatedly into a wall in frustration when it eats her homework assignment or loses connection in the middle of her presentation.

Unfortunately, by all accounts the reality is somewhat trailing the dream – I heard that the Learning Platform Ramesys have been putting into their schools is horrible.  The managed ICT services is for many the biggest bugbear in BSF. For me, the most important things will be the reliability of services provided and the ability for teachers to continue to be innovative and try new things.

Learning Plaza – Could it work at TCOLC?

15 09 2009

I was recently shown this video clip of the  “Learning Plaza”, at New Line Learning Academy, in Maidstone, Kent.  I thought was interesting and would like to share with you and ask if staff and students at our college would like to see something similar as part of our new build.

The Learning Plaza is designed to hold 90 students at any one time – equivalent to 3 standard classes.  There are enormous green tiered sofas at either end of the room which act as little amphitheatres.  Between these is an assortment of office-style work space and ICT facilities.   Teachers gather the students at one of the ends for group-work.   Students can choose to kick off their shoes and lounge around on the sofas, working on their tasks with notepad computers, or sit at more traditional desks.  You’ll have to watch the video to get the full idea!

Students respond favourably, saying its more relaxing and encourages them to behave – they dont want to get banned from using the space.

The staff at the Academy are also very positive about the impact the learning plaza has made, and consider it a contributing factor in their improving results.

So what do you think?  As a teacher, would you enjoy working in a space like this?  Could you share space with 2 other colleagues/classes or do you prefer having your own classroom?  Do you think students at TCOLC would respond well to working in this sort of environment?

As a student, do you think you would learn better here or in a more traditional classroom?

Vote in the poll, or post your comments below!