Beaumont Leys Scoop top BSF Prize

26 11 2009

Beaumont Leys picked up two awards, including the top prize, at the Partnership for Schools annual national award ceremony earlier this month.

The Leicester City phase 1 school was awarded “BSF School of the Year” and also the special “Grand Prix” prize for the most transformational team.

Beaumont Leys wins prize for BSF Best School of the Year

Beaumont Leys wins top BSF prize

Head Teacher Liz Logie later commented:

“When we were working with the architect, I was clear that I wanted a building that was fabulous and gorgeous, inclusive and secure, open and flexible.

I think we succeeded. Building Schools for the Future has had a dramatic impact on everyone’s sense of well being and this is clear in students’ attitudes, behaviour and effort.

There is a real sense of pride, which is great to see”

Beaumont Leys - Interior view

An honourable mention for Soar Valley College, which  was nominated in the Most Inspirational Use of Outside Space category, and also to Leicester City Council – considered for the Innovation in PE and Sport prize.